Disclaimer: This post should be read in a good spirit as the author never wanted to hurt or defame any one. If any one felt anything bad, the author apologizes.
I was longing to write this, and today finally I get the
“envie” to stick my bums to my chair and start pressing the keys to this effect
(probably, subject to the condition that I do not deviate). Well, this is my first pen-down on my, or rather ‘our’ experiences in the FRANCOPHONIC French Classes, loved by all, and detested by all too, for some reasons. Why they shouldn’t? Given the divine presence of great souls (18 of us) and a teacher (
‘paidayishi bigadi hui’, who got the pleasure of being called our
belle mère) and another one, who is a bit more calmer but equally interesting.
Question # 1: What is this all about?
Answer: I don’t know.
Question #2: Who are these 18?
Answer: These are some extremely contagious maniacs of IIT Delhi caught for their highly unintended activities and sentenced “Desh Nikala” for 4 months.
Question #3: Why are they learning French?
Answer: By a written decree signed by ‘Man in BLACK’, it became a part of the sentence.
Question #4: Where are they being sent?
Answer: A Hexagon shaped beautiful country. What’s there in the name? It is soon going to be re-established under the title of BODO-LAND.
Question #5: Are things coming ahead worth reading?
Answer: No. Proceed at your own risk.

I’ll start now describing some of us..
Let me take the pleasure of taking my first pick on
Ankur Badonia. Loved by all, pyara BODO :P. He’s a
LEGEND. A wonderful singer I must say. But what’s special about him is his way of thinking. When he starts, he is carried away so strongly by his strong stream of emotions that he completely forgets where he is, and what is he saying. I wish to make a movie on him,
From Jabalpur to Delhi. The sequel will be
From Delhi to France. His theories, must be published somewhere, need patient reader though. God help him in France with his vegan habits, and I also pray that he never becomes non vegetarian (Else he will, by another of his theories, will never mind eating humans). In short, we can describe him whole by his childish behavior. A really Lucky Mismatch, for he’s going to Paris, and that too with Swetabh.
Swetabh Pathak, an adventurous guy, with his peculiar beckham hair style, and sudden blurts in the typical EDLC guy style, which will make the whole group lull.
Next comes
Avinash Kumar (polar), ha haha ha haha. No I’m not laughing. This is Avinash. He can find practically anything funny and make a joke out of it. Without him, our group really misses a large chunk (physically ;) and) of Masti.
Rohit Jain, Rohit you are adorable. This is what everybody tells him. Always seen in a casual mood with half pants on, his company is never boring. Always logical and ever eager to read French texts in class. He’s also a important thread between IIT related formalities and us, (Man in BLACK ka ladla jo hai).
Rhishabh Garg, our
chotu and Dude (and
Doodh). I really fail to understand that what happens to him in class sometimes, when ‘talks about girls’ start. His active participation has not kept even Ishani Madame (
‘paidayishi bigadi hui’), from noticing his
erotic thoughts.
Sidharth Telang (Sid), one who never loses the opportunity to doze of in the class, when nobody is looking. Mostly it is he who gives company to Rohit in wearing half pants. A good actor, (check out
for more details).
Pinak Dattaray (Pappu), he should have come a bit earlier in this list. But never mind. Pinak aka
pappu aka
pinoquio aka
drôle . If Harry Potter was the boy who lived, pappu is the guy who made us laugh. One who longs to be a good engineer, can be seen in one corner of our class, scratching is head for something I don’t know, and exhibiting his really strong
Bengali Buddhi. But in the end he’s a fake Bengali, and we all love him for that.
It’s getting really long and I must content myself by just mentioning others, Ankit Narang (Smiley), G Avinash (Ganna), Ketan Bansal (Confused Kitty), Bipul Sinha (Angry Young Man), Saurabh Gupta (Sodha), Abhinav Uppal (Whisky), Varun Gupta, and last but not least, me.
But wait a minute I think I forgot something. Girls. Sorry. But wasn’t it obvious? But still let me do the wrong right. (I don’t wanna be executed). So here they are
Vailina Tulsani (Vehli): Don’t have much to describe, but what I have come to know about her for certain is that she must be some mafia in her earlier life. Too dangerous. The way she scared away Ketan the other Day for giving his (in)famous Ketan’s Law of French ( Masculine dominates over feminine etc.) gave me goose bumps.
Bhagyashree (Bhaggo): Not
Bhaago. She’s calm, doesn’t speak much, But makes a great pair with the previous one.
Isha Singla: No nick name till now. Right now she's not in our group, but she's certainly one of us, maniacs.
Akriti Bhalla: No nickname again. We all wonder why she in the first place comes to learn French. Already having B2 types of French Proficiency, she numbs us all with her sentences when we are still thinking of how to start and which tense should be put in.
TENSES……. Nightmares of French Language...
A nice topic to pull this blog more.
to be continued……………………….