Monday, September 28, 2009

Benefits & Downsides in embracing "Green Technology"

What are the benefits & downsides in embracing "Green Technology"? As a responsible citizen of this planet what should be your contribution & message to society, humanity & posterity when it comes to choosing appropriate technologies for a specific aspect of life.
Entry for Honda YES Award-2009 (Shortlisted)
The 21st century has been called as the “century of the environment”. With mankind developing exponentially in each and every sphere of science, technology, industry, commerce, agriculture, entertainment and security, in an endeavor to make human life better, comfortable, more safer and in satisfying its natural thirst and zeal for gaining more, we have knowingly and unknowingly lost track of the ecological balance placed very finely by nature on our planet Earth. Assigning a monetary value to every possible object, lately which has come to include all forms of natural resources and environmental goods, is taking its toll on the planet. Today nobody can avoid the fact that the climate is changing, earth is warming and various species are going extinct. Now, there is overwhelming scientific consensus that this is happening, and human-induced. Neither Governments nor individuals can any longer assume that challenges like pollution, climatic changes and dwindling natural resources can be set aside for future generations. And the most viable solution surfacing out across the world to this problem is applying environmental science in accord with the pattern of sustainable development, i.e. embracing Green Technology.
Green Technology consists of various evolving methods and material to conserve natural environment and resources including techniques to generate energy and non-toxic products. With alarming rates of ecological changes and consumption of fossil fuels, reserves of which may not last for more than 50 years from now, it has become very important for us to quickly adopt these methods to save natural resources and flora and fauna. The benefits, though coupled with some downsides, are numerous. If the technologies are used sense fully, earth can definitely become a more habitable planet and these technologies can also prove to be a boon for all in many other aspects.

Firstly, talking about the benefits of green technology, the first and foremost advantage which is most evident is the safety and betterment of environment. As the nomenclature suggests; ‘Green’ this very initiative has been devised in order to check the rapid maligning of our biosphere.  All the basic applications like “Cradle to Cradle Design” or Recycling, Water Purification, Sewage Treatment, Solid Management, exploiting various sources of renewable energies and generating cleaner power will directly affect our climate and the environment by reducing the rate of cutting of trees, using natural resources, minerals  and addition of toxic chemicals to the earth, water and air. Recycling helps to reduce raw material consumption and waste dumping problem is also reduced. Introduction of technologies that use solar energy as power source will not only meet the daily energy requirements without using the limited sources like petroleum, gas or coal but also reduce the running cost of the equipments. Bio- Gas from organic wastes is not only a quick alternative of cooking gas, but also is a way to keep the surroundings clean. Cars running on electricity or other fuels like Hydrogen, compressed air etc. have practically zero emission. Wind energy harnessing projects by companies like Suzlon foresee a clean energy concept without any disturbance to the nature around. This method of energy construction is both cheaper and safer than other alternatives like nuclear energy plants, which are very costly and have dangerous radioactive chemicals as their waste products. Building dams for hydroelectric generation have twofold benefits. First is to generate free and clean electricity, and secondly they help channelizing water for agricultural irrigation, flood control, recreation and inland navigation. Treating the industrial solid and liquid wastes check health hazards to life which otherwise pollute underground water, drinking and using which causes thousands of deadly diseases like cancer, lung diseases, respiratory disorders, infertility and deformations of body. The electric filters of the fume exhausts can check entry of harmful solid ash particles to the air, and acidic gases like NO2, CO2, SO2 and SO3 which lead to acid rains and destroy agricultural plantations, and are also potential green house gases. Realising the harmful effects of these wastes, many countries are adopting Kyoto Protocol to earn carbon credits by reducing their green house gases emission. The research on bio-degradable plastics is also being done. All these technologies if put up in their lives by all, in a proper manner, will certainly lead to a better habitat in future. With rejuvenation of flora and fauna, the prophecies of end of life on earth in a few years shall prove false. In totality, green technologies promise nature conservation and biodiversity, so that all species can live in mutual co-existence with each other.

However as a by-product of introduction of these green technologies or environment technologies, it is being felt that there are also prospects of growth in business opportunities that also endorse sustainability. Embracing Green Technology also boosts up companies’ economy and is good for the bottom line. In an Interview by CNN the spokesperson for General Electric said:
"It's both great business and a good business -- great in that it is generating real orders and revenue ... and good in the burnishing effect our initiatives have had on both our brand and our business."
Companies have made manifold increase in their budget for research and development of technologies to reduce energy consumption and waste products as a way to bolster their brand name and consumer confidence in their product. Many new companies are coming up, setting up industries and research labs for this new field of development. This is not only opening up portals of an altogether new area for researchers, but also is serving a source of employment for number of engineers, scientists and workers. To meet up the moral expectations, low energy consuming products are being developed and installed. But they as an effect help decreasing a lot of power and fuel consumption of this installations and industries, with usage of free solar, wind energy or energy efficient devices. Then Recycling reduces the raw material costs to company which utilises just the trash. Recycling is a global industry accounting for more than 1.5 million jobs and $100 billion in annual revenue. As a whole, the industry currently processes more than 600 million metric tons of material annually, growing with the expansion of the global, green economy. So it is vastly helping in generating employment and catering to the needs of the people. Waste disposal for hazardous nuclear reactive substances and toxic chemicals was a headache and highly expensive affair for the companies, but the use of non-toxic materials can cut the costs to a large extent. More funds are being mobilised for boosting up green technologies, NGOs being setup, bank loans being provided, and the returns to these investments are quite prominent.

The reason because of which many people try to avoid adopting Green Technologies is that switching over to new products and technology will be very costly. But they view the scenario very wrongly. Adopting Green ways in life will also save the costs for the common man, if they start saving energy and resort to more energy efficient methods. There will be a high cost cutting in payment of energy bills, taxes and also they will breathe cleaner air. Due to depletion of many natural elements, the cost of traditional energy and commodities has increased a lot. For example Traditional construction materials have gone up by 25% in the last three years. Green Technology promises better, renewable and recyclable alternatives which shall be cheaper. Even governments are providing incentives and subsidies for such products.
Despite of all bright sides of Green technology, some scientists have debated on the use of Green Technology for good of Earth. There are question being raised on the geo- engineering that whether we are talented enough to start this task of keeping earth in a homeostasis. There are statement like that man is inventing green technology which though apparently from surface are for correcting the environment, but perhaps we are falling behind our own correction. For example according to a research, installing too many wind mills to harness wind energy may overall decrease the wind speed up to 5-6 kmph. Hence a ripple effect will occur resulting into interference with natural wind and storm pattern. Similarly, setting up hydroelectric projects also causes a lot of disturbance in fish habitat, and natural flora and fauna have to be dislocated. Even natural fertile soil basins get destroyed. Attempts to neutralise these effects by setting up wild-life parks and sanctuaries are anything but natural.  Implementing Green Technology takes its toll, as in we spend more money and energy on making these technologies than we do on ecologically ‘harmful’ ones. Moreover our actions may soon prove to be harmful, as while making these environment friendly technologies, in lust of saving environment, we spend the resources without any limit.

Now the question that arises is that what sort of skills, training, education and occupations are needed for making these initiatives successful. Perhaps the most urgent issue of green technology includes the development of alternative fuels, new means of generating energy and using this energy efficiently. This idea is very synonymous with Green technologies and hence environment. I myself being a student of electrical engineering and technology and a responsible habitant of Earth wish to contribute my best in this effect. I have a vision for developing devices which can generate electrical energy very efficiently from abundant sources like solar power and nuclear power, and making them both safe and easy to implement. I also wish to research on electrical and electronic devices that use energy with high output per input. In this effect I have already worked on a case study as a part of a project, to tap high amounts of heat energy dissipated in high speed calculation circuits and processors used in computers and super computers. I hope to continue this project, which if successful may result to high amount of energy saving in our daily life.

My ideology says: “A penny saved is a penny earned”. Similarly ‘energy saved is energy generated’. However it is required that we proceed with a joint effort from each and everyone, not just one or two. Hence I wish to share my point of view for ways of saving environment in different aspects of life, with the society and through them to generations to come. After analysing thoroughly the pros and cons of Green Technology it can be deduced that, undoubtedly it is wiser to adapt green ways of life, but it is more important to be wise enough to chose the appropriate way in different aspects of life. Technology is beneficial for our life, but we must not become over dependent on them. Agrarian ways can also be adapted in some parts, leading to a balanced lifestyle between excess of industrialization and totally rural ways. This will benefit our health, and bring us closer to the environment without inculcating any monetary losses. We must try to retrace some of the primitive ways of living whenever possible. As it is still unclear, after researches by some scientists, that how reliable are green technologies to save the environment, it is important to break this process into small levels i.e. at household or small organisation level. A good way to save energy is by not wasting things. One must try to save energy by for example using more daylight, switching on lights only when needed, trying to be simpler and enduring and using air conditioners, coolers etc. as less as possible. We can decrease the use of use and throw plates, cups, packaging etc. as they lead to a lot of wastage. We should reuse and recycle bottles, cans, paper, glass and every other thing that can still be utilised. Today, people feel it shame to use things that have become a bit old or outdated. But we must change our attitude or nature shall throw us too off track terming as outdated. One must save fuel and gasoline by using public transport and walking on foot or bicycle for small distances. The transport sector is considered responsible for 14% of global emissions. Throughout the world a lot of energy is being wasted in heating houses and water. We must use warm clothing and blankets to keep ourselves warm and take care of not allowing heat to dissipate when heaters are on. While bathing, water should be used judiciously. We must not waste food as growing edible food and cooking it uses a lot of energy. The things we do in our daily life makes a lot of difference. If everyone saves a little energy, it adds up to a lot and saving energy is also saving money.

Even the present day technologies can be used in a wise manner to save environment. Studies say that every year millions of dollars are spent by business tycoons and entrepreneurs for travelling on their private jets for business meetings. However, they can use Internet and can settle their deals online through video conferencing, hence saving a lot of energy and time. 300,000 tons of paper could be avoided if an estimated 25% of printed directories printing were moved online. This corresponds approximately to a reduction in emissions of 0.9 Mt CO2. A doubling in e-commerce over a ten year period, estimated a total reduction in greenhouse gases emissions of 206.3m tons (187 Mln metric tons) per decade.

Every year, wars amongst nations, firing, explosions, lead to a heavy loss of both energy and money. It has been recognised as a potential global warming factor. So it is the necessity of the hour to understand that we must kill our personal egos and stop hatred, or else this hatred shall reciprocate.
As the Cree Prophecy of the American Tribe says:

“Only after the last tree has been cut down. Only after the last river has been poisoned. Only after the last fish has been caught. Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten”.

Though an exaggeration, it very precisely provides the message to the society. In this quest for securing your today, don't ruin your future. Because your child's future, is connected to yours.

Man is the most intelligent creature, and it is by use of that intelligence has he created this situation of global emergency. But if he, rather I must say we, decide to be creative enough to fight against this issue, we can once again turn this withering green planet into a place heavenly.

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